Friday, October 17, 2008

Hamper Time

During this Ramadhan, we were thankful for receiving 3 Raya Hampers! One was from an ex-staff...
Thank You Again.

15-Oct-2008 : That day we had an Internal Office Meeting, which in the later part, we opened all the hampers to be distributed amongst ourselves. Looking at everybody's action, seems that everyone was eager to check-out the goodies!

In this Office, we had recently started a tradition [about 5 monyhs or so] whereby if there were 3 or more Staff that wore the same color clothing, then they would have to form a group to perform to the rest of Us! Neat right... coz once a while we get free entertainment! Coincidently on that day, we had 2 groups.... Red + Blue Team to entertain us.

The Red Team decided to do an advertisement kinda performance.

The Blue Team opted to entertaintain us by guessing which staff they were imitating.

Looking at everyone's :-) faces, you just know that they enjoyed the whole event...tra-la-la!

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