Monday, July 14, 2008


It seems that this office, all we do is eat [key word is : seems, coz we do work too ofcourse!]..... at least every month, we'll have a birthday party, then sometimes one of our team decides to 'blanja'... and sometimes.... farewell :-(

This is the most recent one : Birthday celebration for Lina + Wan

This one was in June 08, Fadzly brought in homecooked meal to say 'syukur' that he would be a father soon [1st time]

This is the most unique one.... flown in from Tioman Island through Berjaya Air. Mira's Mom cooked in the Island, she went to fetch the food at the airport!

We are blessed because there will always be someone putting food at our discussion table every week! We are happy with this office culture. Thank you all + wat else to say but 'tra-la-la'! Cheers...

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