Friday, November 21, 2008

Luxuries of Life

18 Nov 08 : As + Team had gone back to Kelantan [her hometown] to distribute packets of rice to the poor folks there, Pengkalan Chepa in particular. On that day itself, there was no access to the folks' houses because it was flooded. So they distributed 14 packs of rice at this school to 14 families.

We who spends his wealth for increase in self-purification, and has in his mind no.favor from anyone for which a reward is expected in return; except only the desire to seek the Countenance of his Lord, the Most High. He surely will be pleased [when he enters Paradise]. (Qur'an 92: 18-21)

We feed you seeking Allah’s Countenance only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you. (Qur'an 76: 9)

The first person who benefits from an act of charity is the benefactor himself, by seeing changes in himself and in his manners, by finding peace, by watching a smile form on the lips of another person. (Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni: Author of 'Don't Be Sad')

Looking at their houses [if you can call it a house, that is], brings a feeling of 'insaf'. Here we are in the luxuries of life.... still complaining about petty things.

Our hope is that one day, they too are able to able to indulge in some piece of luxuries... with more people being aware that there are still a lot of poor + needy people out there. Hopefully the rest of us too should part with our own luxuries + make this beloved country of ours a better place. Aaammiiiiin

Heal the world, make this a better place
For you + for me + ..........
Michael Jackson's Song

Friday, October 17, 2008


10 Oct 2008 : The day we celebrated our 'Raya Aidilfitri' in the office. The theme for this year was to wear our 'baju raya'. So everyone came in a festive mood wearing colorful clothes... the boys with the 'baju melayu' + girls with their 'baju kurung'. Early in the morning, we would hear chattering in the 'kitchen' [actually, just a small pantry], as they were preparing the food.... as it was pot luck.

Everytime before a meal [a feast in this context], we usually say a prayer.

All the food that everyone brought..... it was delicious! Alhamdullillah!

We had 'mee kuah', 'bihun goreng', colorful cakes, brownies, cupcakes, 'lemang + rendang', 'kuih-muih'.

.... Even our own Raya at home, we didn't have these many variety!

After munching all that food, we were then entertained by the Blue + Red Team, seems like we just love these 2 colors!

This time is a drama about the Blue Team family on the Raya itself, having the Red Team as their guests... yah, sounds boring when it is said like that!
... But, it wasn't + you could almost hear them sing 'tra-la-la' in their hearts!

From all of us :

Hamper Time

During this Ramadhan, we were thankful for receiving 3 Raya Hampers! One was from an ex-staff...
Thank You Again.

15-Oct-2008 : That day we had an Internal Office Meeting, which in the later part, we opened all the hampers to be distributed amongst ourselves. Looking at everybody's action, seems that everyone was eager to check-out the goodies!

In this Office, we had recently started a tradition [about 5 monyhs or so] whereby if there were 3 or more Staff that wore the same color clothing, then they would have to form a group to perform to the rest of Us! Neat right... coz once a while we get free entertainment! Coincidently on that day, we had 2 groups.... Red + Blue Team to entertain us.

The Red Team decided to do an advertisement kinda performance.

The Blue Team opted to entertaintain us by guessing which staff they were imitating.

Looking at everyone's :-) faces, you just know that they enjoyed the whole event...tra-la-la!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Grand 10th

2 April 2004 : That day was a very special day for us because it was the day we celebrated the Grand Opening of our our new office in Bandar Puteri, Puchong + A+I's 10th Anniversary [imagine that... 10 years!]

At 1st, the event started with Ustaz giving 'Doa Selamat'

After Ustaz left, the bosses gave a green light to start the ceremony rolling!

This Anniversary, we decided to entertain guests by doing performances. Prior to the Big Day, we had had rehearsals to somewhat 'perfected' our skills since none of us were dances!

Everyone participated, even the Bosses! All decorations + design were done in-house.
All + all, we had a wonderful enjoyable time.... tra-la-la!

Group Photo of A+I Staff [including JB Branch]

As for the spectators/ guests... can't really tell whether they enjoyed as much as we did...
Oh Well!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Buka Posa + Birthday Combo

9 Sept 2008 : This is the only 'buka posa' we had in this office for this year! It was a bit of an impromtu decision to do it coz it was also was supposed to be a surprise birthday party for Ainon.... of course, it didn't really turned out to be a surprise because Ainon found out!

Lina + Nora cooking rice in the office, during office hours! [Note: we don't have a rice cooker or rice in the office... just for that special day only]

For a short notice party
[decided on the same day],
it sure was a Feast!
for all the glorious food.

We must thank the organiser
[As + Gang, we assumed]
for pulling this off successfully..

The boys at 1 zone

The girls at 1 zone

The family at 1 zone

.... why? . . . who knows...??

Ainon... looking extremely pleased/ touched by all the attention given. Her Birthday's was actually the next day, so she mentioned it was fun to celebrate a little younger!

The lovely cake didn't stay that shape for too long! It was delicious.

This card was from all of us .......... tra-la-la
Happy Birthday Ainon + 'Selamat Berbuka' all!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Merdeka 2 Ramadhan

We had a Pot-Luck on 29 August 2008 to commemorate our Merdeka [51 years ...or is it 45 because this was when East Malaysia joined in.... this is another topic all together] + the Ramadhan month which was just around the corner, on 1 August 2008.

Credits to those who chipped in :

Nasi Lemak + Lauk : Lina + Nora
Ayam : As
Sandwiches : Iqral + Linda
Roti Jala : Fadzly
Agar2 : Ainon + Wan
Cake : S'man
Dragonfruit Juice : Roslan

Fried Meehoon : Amri

To those names that are not mentioned, please accept this humble apology... or come + tell so that your names would be engraved here!!

Tra-la-la - All smiles :-) getting ready to chow-down!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rest in Peace

Mak joined in 2001 as our Chief Supervisor at site. At the beginning, we were a bit sceptical to take him in because he was over the age of 55 then! However, he proved to be a reliable + trushworthy + knowledgeable person on site, and for that we thanked him..... He retired about a couple of years ago after successfully completing several projects with us.

Mr Mak Wei Mun died on 28 August 2008, in his sleep according to his daughter. It was quite unexpected as he was fine the day before. Our condolences to his family....

our homemade card to his family.......

Opening @ KK

We went to Kota Kinabalu 1 day before the Grand Opening on 21-08-08. That night we had a celebration dinner at the Seafood Restaurant in Sedco. That place had live traditional dance while we ate. But the real entertainment was the food itself... everything was fresh + delicious ....

Look at the Oysters... they don't come in that size here!

Even the scallops still had their shells!

On the day of the Opening, we found out that this was only the 2nd Opening that Daihatsu was doing in grand scale. The last time was during the Opening of their Headquarters in Shah Alam, which was 20 years ago!
They even had Lion Dance, talk a about Grand!

We felt honoured that they decided to throw a big celebration for this opening, being their Consultants + all.

This is the bouquet of flowers from us + all the Consultants

We present you.... tra-la-la.......

The Daihatsu Inanam Mega Center