Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Last Thursday [25/2/10] we had were given special treatment ... buffet at Pullman Hotel Putrajaya!

To some of us, this was the first time here! Surprisingly, there were a lot of people having their buffet lunch here .... + it was hot inside!! Something could be seriously wrong with the A/C because outside was cooler!

The view towards Putrajaya Lake from the balcony outside Tanjung.

The lunch was also meant for Rosli's birthday, who has been with us almost 10 years!, so it was very appropriate that we celebrate his birthday here.

they had a variety of food to sample, even had spare ribs which was not that common. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food it seemed because they went for seconds a few times!

The deco had a red + alphabet theme somehow

After lunch, it seemed that a lot wanted to pose, especially the boys! For whatever reasons, who knows... but the boys definitely looked more vain than the girls!

There's a place to self-polish your shoes even!

Can't really figure out why they're showing off their shoes... it's not as if they're wearing stillettos....

'how may i helttt u'

To coincide with the Year of the Tiger... Roarrrrrrr!!

this is what you term as 'pos maut'!

last but not least.... tra-la-la.... for sure we just love to pose together-gether!!