Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Countdown.. 30-20-10-3-2-1!

This year we decided to have a 'grand anniversary' because it was to be our 15th! Well we wanted to do a grand one last year too... that didn't happen. After 'brainstorming', the idea of having a costume party was what we went for + the theme 'pirate' was chosen.

Once the theme was set, a lot of us began to plan this anniversary, a lot of discussions, also an event manager was required to set the mood in motion which was the Boss, who decided it should be on the 8th of May as it also coincide with birthday [conveniently coincidential!]

We started having a countdown to the 'historical' event 1 month prior! Talk about excited!

We practiced bringing in the lamb + food...

We practiced [1/2 hour at the beginning everyday!] poco-poco by studying videos on youtube + 1 staff who actually went for poco2 classes!

We had dress rehearsal to make sure all would wear 'piratey', and those who did not, would have to keep searching for the right clothing

The MC's practising their lines

The Usherer/ Gatekeeper with a gong to welcome guests

All hard at work on the decorations for that special night

Figuring out how to make a ship from the meeting table!

Constructing the treasure chest

Testing the candles

The good thing about having this Bash, most of us join in to help, and those who did not, made refreshments.

This Bob @ Reception Pirate to greet the guests. He was on loan [courtesy of Plus], so at that night, there was 1 missing on the highway!

All the hardwork + teamwork got this place looking like this... Very Proud!

And the result is.... tra-la-la [don't you just feel like you're entering a pirate's lair!!]

Monday, May 11, 2009

Good Morning Vietnam!

This year, we were priviledged to go abroad [Hanoi + Halong Bay] for our office trip, while the whole world is facing a bleak future! It was a 4day /3night trip which started on ? and ended on . We went via 'now everyone can fly' plane, but this time with seat #.. that's progress! no need to rush for seats.

This is the airport.... yup! nothing to shout about [as compared to Sien Reap]

Hanoi, is a bustling + quaint city. The architecture is a mixture of haphazzard + 'well-thought of' design. This combination somehow makes the place unique.

It turns out most of the buildings are built using 6m width grid coz land was very expensive in the heart of the city. Rental could range between $15,000-$20,000 USD on the ground floor of shoplots!

The many characters of Hanoi

This city is a bike city.... they're everywhere!

Ainon blending in...

The Hotel that we stayed in Hanoi had a very small frontage, maybe about 6m width! There was either 2 or 3 suites per floor.

The dining area [topmost floor] could maybe fit 3 tables!

This bridge was designed by the same guy that did Eiffel Tower.. imagine that!

Sightseeing the streets of Hanoi on trishaw... 1 person/trishaw! Talk about cheap labor!

At the silk factory, seeing first hand how silk is being produced.. from 'worm' to the beautiful soft fabric... simply amazing + intricate process! No wonder silk are expensive. Imagine how many had to be sacrifice...

Shopping afterwards... of course!

Tired bunch

The hotel that we stayed in Halong was definitely nicer than in Hanoi

These are the hagglers in front of our hotel. You cannot escape unless you buy a dozen pearls from them!

Taking the cruise boat to Halong Bay Caves

Look at those scrumptious food served on the Boat, lovely!

Our Ride... what luck, we got the whole entire boat to ourselves!

Our tour guide [middle] was friendly + helpful [the 2nd one actually, the 1st one fell sick/ gave up after the 1st day!]

All racing to the Cave.. Feels like Amazing Race!

Climbing to the Cave.... a bit tiring, but the climb is definitely worth it...

Even the Monks are going there!

The experience in the cave was breathtaking! No wonder the Vietnamese was lobbying very hard to make Halong Bay as one of the natural 7 wonders of the world!

More like millions of years to get it to look like this!. The tour guide said it took almost 100 years just to form 1 cm of stalagtite or stalagmite ..

This is Us in that awesome cave in Halong Bay

The Kissing Rock

To sum up the whole journey, we had a tra-la-la time + hope we'll be able to go again to interesting places next year... insyaallah