Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Haus

Our office is like a 2nd home [at least to most of us] since we spend most of our waking time here! We have moved here since December 2003 .... and hopefully we don't have to move anymore coz there are SO many stuff here to pack + unpack!

We present you ... tra-la-la ..... AiHaus!

As you come up from the staircase

Our Foyer : Fishes to welcome You + Good Feng-shui??!!

Our Feature Wall : Some of our completed Projects displayed

Boss No.2's Room

Boss No.1's Room

Discussion Area/ Gathering during Makan2

Lounge Area

Admin Area

Typical Working Space ... Ok, not so typical

Printers + Stuff

Staircase going upstairs

Meeting Room upstairs

Ping-pong upstairs

Looking at these photos, you could now understand why we call it 'AiHaus', coz it does feel like Home .... sometimes