Thursday, October 22, 2009

Order in the Court

We present you......................tra-la-la

Organised by : PAM [Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia]
Venue : Auditorium Museum Negara
Date : 28 Oct 2009 [Wed]
Time : 6.30-8.30pm
Speaker : El

This was the first time the boss gave a 'lecture' to fellow architects! The thought was a bit intimidating, cause you know that some of your fellowmates would know more than you! Assumed there might be a small turnout because it was a weekday + the time was a bit odd cause who'd show up with all the jam and all.... turned out 170 people showed up! Phew!

The topic chosen was Courthouses since our company had a done fair number of courts in Malaysia [some actually built + some still on the drawing board]. The Courts that that were discussed during the Talk were:

Ipoh Highcourt

Kl Court Complex

Pertama Insolvency Court

Muar Courthouse

Bukit Bandaraya Court

Ampang Lower Court

Shah Alam Court

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pantun + Sajak Competition

The topic for everyone to prepare before the Office Meeting was :
a. To compose the 'pantun' for our Raya Card this year
b. To write an essay/ 'sajak'/ etc of what 'Merdeka' means to them
The winner for each category will receive RM 100!

So everyone had to read somebody else's Pantun or Merdeka, which made it interesting because you don't actually know the writer was
.... until you see someone blushing!

The winner for the Pantun category was Shuk :
[Edited Verson]

Esok Isnin lusa Selasa,
Kami nak ucap Selamat Semua

Pagi-pagi dah selsema,
Hari Raya bakal menjelma

Angin sepoi bukannye taufan,
Di hari Raya kita saling bermaafan

The runner-up was Linda :

Makan kurma waktu berbuka,
Tangan dihulur maaf dipinta

Burung Merah burung Kedidi,
Selamat menyambul Hari Raya Aidilfitri

The winner for the Merdeka essay was Rad :
[Original- no editing]

52 tahun
Masih tidak cukup untuk mengajarerti kemerdekaan
Di jiwa insan generasi muda
Apa akan jadi kepada kemerdekaan kita?
Adakah ia akan berkekalan selamanya?
Sedarlah wahai kawan-kawanku
Carilah erti kemerdekaan
Renungkanlah kesusahan, keperitan, kesengseraan
Rakyat 52 tahun dulu
Jika kamu 5000 tahun merdeka
Ia tetap merdeka!!!

Note : Cannot really understand the end part, but she did get the most votes from the fellows

Shuk's pantun was printed in A+I's Raya card, wheras Linda's pantun was on AI Konsult's card

Congratulations + tra-la-la to all that participated

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Transform(er)ation ....

Sorry to tell you but its not about the movie .. its more about the transformation that we have done to the building that we currently call our office ie A I HAUS .. well, the external transformation anyway.

I remembered very well .. the day we moved here from our old office in Kelana Jaya during the Christmas day holiday in 2003. Practically thrown out from there due to some irreconcible differences with the landlord (hehehe). Mind you, it was not easy to find a space that could fit all of us as we were renting the whole block of 4-storeys then. Its not that our office was that big .. our own staffs ranges from 15 to 25 people only (and 25 is on a really good season). However, our set-up allows for the 'umbrella' concept whereby there are other small just starting up firms that we take in to share our utilities, facilities, ideas and experiences in exchange for rental. So, at that time we had like one additional architect firm, one additional QS firm and one legal firm that we have to also consider apart from ourselves.

So, luckily we got this shop lot available in Puchong that we managed to buy with the help of a friend and a friendly bank in the nick of time. And the minute the developer issued the Certificate of Occupation sometime in November 2003, we got the contractor to start renovating for us. However, we moved even before the renovation is fully completed ..

Anyway, this is how the building looked then from outside.

This year in 2009, as the building is already 6 years old, we thought it would be nice to spruce up a new coat of paint whilst celebrating our 15th Anniversary too. We managed to persuade the tenant downstairs to help us with the painting using our creative designers/architects to come up with the colour scheme and ooo la la .. see the T R A N S F O R M A T I O N

The new fresh colours and the orange sign boards surely make a statement! We hope other people would also like what we are trying to do here. And the next time you pass by the building, you will know we are ..

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

15th Anniversary !!!

After all those preparations .. what can I say .. the day has finally come to celebrate the 15th year of existence of A + I Design specifically and the spin off of all the firm as a whole!

Just to give a feel why it is so important to celebrate even though it is only 15, not even 25 let alone 50 years. It has been a long and incredible journey for the office and the people in it, tested for endurance and patience. The founder a.k.a El, went thru hell and came back (literally speaking) .. with the discovery of her SLE when the office is barely 2 years old and still not that strong financially, project wise. She was in and out of the hospital so often that she had to rely on others to keep the office going.

Special thanks to all those people .. your help during those hard times will be duly remembered, and repaid if not in this life time, may be in the hereafter. Along the way some how things got worse, then miraculously better and manage to withstand the test of time and then some ... so we celebrate this 15th Anniversary of glory with much thanks to the Almighty.

Anyway .. lets get into the festive mood .. may be we'll start with the food :D. The staffs have taken the trouble to order the food only from the best that we have sampled eg. 'laksa' comes from Lina's sister in law, 'nasi hujan panas' (directly translated as hot rain rice) with 'lauk-pauk' all the way from Bangi, trifle from As's hubby, meehoon + snacks + puffs from Wana and of course 'kuah durian' (durian creme) courtesy of yours truly etc.

There are also other food but the main presentation would be the 'kambing panggang' - simply delicious.

We had it hauled from downstairs to 2nd floor pirate style and shown to the guests before being carved and served. For the drinks, the girls concocted a blue lychee fizzy drink .. in theme with the 'ocean' ..

Now let the show begin..... tra-la-la!!!! Our 3 MCs- Amri, As + Lina

Now, the entertainment .. the most favourite was the auction. To get the guests in the mood, we 'auctioned' 5 of our staffs so whoever 'bought' them will be served on hand and foot that night. We had, Tanggang, Cempaka, Cendana and ?? but the most popular that nite is Badang. He collected the highest bid when two ladies (mother and daughter) were trying to outbid each other! It was exhilarating .. to the ladies, I am sure. However, the mother later gave in and the daughter won the bid. We heard phone numbers were exchanged that nite between them .. but if there is a continuation to it, we will tell later ...

After the auction, the successful bidders were treated to a V.I.P treatment, ok... just serving them drinks + food. Of course the proceeds will go to our Amal + Ikhtiar Bakti fund, where we do our part to help the not-so-well off community.

We also had the 'poco-poco' (I know, how lame that sounds) but we got at least a quarter of the guest to join the stage with the rest of the A + I staffs dancing to the tune of Coldplay - Vida La Viva..

It seems that almost everybody knows this line dancing, so there is not much coercing required because as soon as the music starts, the staff took their place, some of the guests then, without much persuasion, jumped to join! Mind you, we have practised for at least 2 months prior to the Anniversary bash so if we seemed to dance better than the rest, you know why

The kids were awed too seeing grown-ups acting like they did + seemed to be enjoying ... and the adults too!

One surprise appearance was Bob. Bob is usually found on the hi-way waving his hand to alert drivers on road diversion ahead. But here, he is seen waving to welcome guests at the entrace as all signed the Guest Book.

Of course he was dressed as a pirate (probably the Somalian type, not Johnny Depp) and the orange hard hat is suitably covered. He was a favourite among the kids .. courtesy of Azam Propel and Azita Plus, thank you very much. Sorry guys that you were not there to see his transformation .. pretty awesome!

The night ended quite late .. and after all the guests left, we were busy cleaning up before leaving for the weekend. Tired, but enjoyed every minute of it and more. A big thank you to all friends, families and associates who had come and make our celeberation more meaningful. Hope we can make it to next significant anniversary .. 20 maybe??

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Countdown.. 30-20-10-3-2-1!

This year we decided to have a 'grand anniversary' because it was to be our 15th! Well we wanted to do a grand one last year too... that didn't happen. After 'brainstorming', the idea of having a costume party was what we went for + the theme 'pirate' was chosen.

Once the theme was set, a lot of us began to plan this anniversary, a lot of discussions, also an event manager was required to set the mood in motion which was the Boss, who decided it should be on the 8th of May as it also coincide with birthday [conveniently coincidential!]

We started having a countdown to the 'historical' event 1 month prior! Talk about excited!

We practiced bringing in the lamb + food...

We practiced [1/2 hour at the beginning everyday!] poco-poco by studying videos on youtube + 1 staff who actually went for poco2 classes!

We had dress rehearsal to make sure all would wear 'piratey', and those who did not, would have to keep searching for the right clothing

The MC's practising their lines

The Usherer/ Gatekeeper with a gong to welcome guests

All hard at work on the decorations for that special night

Figuring out how to make a ship from the meeting table!

Constructing the treasure chest

Testing the candles

The good thing about having this Bash, most of us join in to help, and those who did not, made refreshments.

This Bob @ Reception Pirate to greet the guests. He was on loan [courtesy of Plus], so at that night, there was 1 missing on the highway!

All the hardwork + teamwork got this place looking like this... Very Proud!

And the result is.... tra-la-la [don't you just feel like you're entering a pirate's lair!!]